If you spend your days with Balinese, you will
probably get a story about Leak or Balinese magic. And sometimes it is
hard to believe it, but often it will make you very curious. To get
someone that can show you about this magic is not as easier as you get
someone who can tell you about Leak.
In Bali, people have a bad image of Leak. They believe that Leak
can make one fall sick or killed. One wishing to learn about leak should
devote his or her self to Durga, in hope that She may bestow upon one
the gift of being able to use leak’s mantra effectively. After having
achieved one’s end by means of offering and prayers recited during a
mystic dance in the middle of the night in the graveyard, then he will
transform into a leak.
A leak has a power to change its appearance into an animal, a bike
or a car, a flaming ghost (endih), a demon devil, and others that he
wants. A Leak has several ways to change its appearance: First, what
Balinese call leak pamoroan. It can change completely into animals that
appear only during the night. They try to suck their victims or just
frighten them.
Second, Tluh, a change of the appearance but only its facial
expression: The face is swollen, the eyes are distended and glowing with
the fixed gaze. They appear at daytime, exert themselves to stab their
enemies into stomach with a knife hidden in their hand.
Third, higher level is tranjana. They can appear during the day or
the night. Their appearance is only to be seen indistinctly, partly
invisible, or as a shadow to straggle his victim.
However to harm or kill someone, leak can also use papasangan. It
does not need to change his or her appearance. Sometimes, leaks are seen
involved in fights, measuring their power one against another. Common
people usually are unable to see the fights. And the one who losses the
fight will fall ill or will show sitting of blood and is doomed to
A trained (leak’s master) will usually find it much easier to
transform its performance.. Having concentrated on a shape of an animal
he is going to change into and recited magical words (mantra) properly,
then he will transform directly into a leak. The leak is considered to
be lower than mankind because what he eats include corpses and
everything putrefied. He sees a dead dog as a delicious food and he
mistakes foul smell for fragrance and perfume.
Actually, Leak is not as bad as people think. It is like a knife:
It can help us or hurt us, depending on how and what we use it for.
Mangku Ketut Rnam said that Leak more is like a sharpened knowledge and
“it is not bad as people think, it can be used to help people although
it can hurt people, too.”
LK. Suryani, meditation expert, also shared Mangku Tetut Rnam’s
view, saying that people have misperception about leak. “People just see
it from the negative side. They do not realize that leak is just like a
meditation or other kinds of science,” she said. She believes that leak
still exist in Bali.
Ngurah Harta realizes that challenges facing those who already have
a bad image about leak. “Leak is one of our heritages that need to be
retained to prevent it from extinction. If leak is said to be a bad
thing, I do not agree. In fact, it will entirely depend on individuals
themselves. If leak is used for healing purposes, then it means good but
when leak is used to harm people, it means bad,” he said.
What's your opinion of this?
nggaya nganggo bahasa inggris. :D
haha... ya gpp ewh mas, hidup itu emg harus "nggaya" biar tdk kalah prsaingan :D
lagian itu jg copas :p haha
^thanks uda visit :) sering2 yaa.. hehe
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